Monday, January 16, 2012

Mmmmm... Coffee

Hi my name is Candace. I am addicted to coffee.

I love it. I love everything about it. The smell. The cream. The sugar. Added flavors. The texture as it floats over my tongue. I can drink it hot, cold, frozen, luke warm, room temperature. I don't care. It is ambrosia from the heavens to me. The only thing better than coffee, is coffee with doughnuts, or cheesecake (that was our first date after all)....

I can drink a cup before I leave for work, while I dry my hair and do my makeup. I fix another cup and head out the door. Usually, I only get a few sips before I am off and running. Well, getting my patients up and walking, anyways. My travel mug sits lonely at my workstation. When I walk by the office door, it all but calls to me to come and pick it up, and sip lovingly at its spout. Sigh, I must keep on schedule. Sometimes, I am able to finish it at lunch. Then I spend all afternoon wishing I had more. I drive home hoping that my husband has left a few ounces in the pot for me. No such luck today. I didn't even get my second cup. I finished my first after coming home today.

I like it brewed just about any way. We have an automatic drip and a French Press. Have you ever tried coffee made with a French Press? It is pretty darn tasty. I'm just too lazy some (read most) mornings to do it that way. Besides, the one we have is only a 2 cupper, and if I have 2 cups, then my husband has to make his own. I try to be nice and make it for him. But the process isn't really that difficult.

  • You grind up a whole bunch of coffee beans to a coarse setting. Use about 2 heaping tablespoons per 8 oz of water.
  • dump in the bottom of the press
  • Heat up the water to an almost boil, then pour into the press.  One website recommends the water to be between 195-200 degrees
  • Let steep for 4 minutes then slowly press the plunger down to press all the coffee grounds to the bottom.
  • Pour coffee immediately into mugs or a carafe. If it stays in the press, it gets acidic and doesn't taste as good.
  • prepare as you like and enjoy!
I highly recommend that you try it. With cheesecake. Or a doughnut. Or cookies (fresh baked, of course). Or cinnamon rolls (try the Pioneer Woman's recipe. Best. Ever.)

Now, maybe I will go make some decaf. Too late for the full brew stuff.



  1. DECAF?....are you out of your mind?

  2. Well, Maybe just a little. I think it runs in the family. But FYI, it was getting late in my day, so I really did want to get some sleep.
