Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Change happens. No matter what we do, what choices we make, our lives will change. Sometimes, it is a gradual change. Others it is an abrupt change. Sometimes we opt for the change, sometimes, changes are forced upon us. Sometimes we are ready for a change, sometimes not so much.

Sometimes we want change, but are unable to make it happen. Sometimes it is willpower. Can I give up the comfortable rut that I am in and go embrace the unknown? Sometimes it is financial. Can I give up the materialistic lifestyle I enjoy and live simpler with less? Sometimes it is laziness. Do I get up an hour earlier in order to go to the gym? Sometimes we are just plain torn. Which option is the best?

People struggle with these and other choices all day. Some are obviously more minimal in impact. Do I order the cheeseburger or the mixed green salad?  Others can have life altering implications. Do I stay in a small town where there are not many opportunities or find a job in a bigger city?

We all have different thought processes and methods of making decisions. (I liked my ennie  meanie minny mo for test taking). We all have different morals and norms that we live by that influence our decisions.

I can tell you, one of the hardest decisions in my life was returning to school. I had a 2 year old for goodness sakes! But I knew I could not continue working retail and stay sane! I was lucky enough to have a husband that supported me through school. He agreed with me that I needed to quit my job and focus on my education, especially after having anxiety attacks when trying to work, study, be a mom and a wife, and then having a second child half way through!

And while it was a difficult decision, and there were many times I felt like it was too much. It was the best decision and effected many wonderful changes in my life. I have a great career where I get to help people become more independent. I have the ability to be a great role model and inspiration for my sons. I have a pretty steady schedule that doesn't fluctuate wildly so I am able to spend time with my family.

I have made some bad decisions. But I don't think I would go back and change them. After all, the choices I have made have brought me to where I am today. The choices I make today, will influence my tomorrow.

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