Tuesday, May 21, 2013


Yesterday, at around noon pacific time, a co-worker asked me about living in Oklahoma, specifically dealing with tornadoes. I told her about storm shelters, sirens, wall clouds, watching funnels drop. Little did I know, shortly after our conversation, an F-5 would drop over the town my grandparents live and where my mom was staying as she helps care for my grandparents.

When I got home, and turned on the computer. My first though was "Holy Shit!" I knew better than to try to call, phone lines would be down, power out, cell phone towers damaged. So I did the next best thing-- Facebook.

Generally, I scoff at the dependence our society has on social media (yes, even though I check Facebook throughout the day...), but yesterday and today I was so glad to have it. I frantically scrolled through my news feed, looking for posts from my mom, cousins, and friends. Luckily, everyone is safe and accounted for.

At about 5 pm my time, my mom was able to send a text saying everyone was fine, albeit without power, phone or water.

I had a friend in the hospital after having a baby that was displaced to the Warren Theater when the sirens went off. Her family is safe. There are so many families out there that are still waiting to find loved ones, looking for a place to stay, food, water.

This afternoon (or evening in Oklahoma) my mom has reported the return of water, although just a trickle, and electricity. Much love to the utility workers in Moore, working hard to restore services. I have read reports of people parked on the sides of the roads, handing out bottled water and nonperishable foods.Rescue crews have promised to triple check every damaged building, looking for survivors.Many stores and organizations are opening their doors to displaced families and animals. So many groups are accepting donations to aid in the relief

  • American Red Cross: $10 donations can be made by texting REDCROSS to 90999
  • Salvation Army: $10 donations can be made by texting STORM to 80888
  • Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma: $10 donations can be made by texting FOOD to 32333

I'm sure there are countless others, including the Humane Societies and animal shelters throughout the state that could use help with fostering, pet food, monetary donations, and donations of your time.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Update on Bullying

Last Sunday, Ryan and I sat down to figure out exactly what has been going on and when it happened. We don;t want Sean getting bullied, but we don't want the kid to get in trouble for the same incident twice. During our conversation on Sunday, Sean mentioned a few incidences, but when we asked him if they happened before or after his teacher and principal talked to the class, he said before. He didn't (or wouldn't?) tell us of any specific incident that happened since the discussion. So, Ryan and I decided to hold off on talking to the principal again.

Well, as fate would have it, Monday on our way to Kung Fu, Sean mentioned a couple of incidences that happened AFTER the class discussion.... And of course, I had to go into work Tuesday morning.I did go into his class room before work and spoke with his teacher. She is very proactive in these situations, unfortunately, she is not usually around when it happens with Sean, usually at recess time, which is her lunch break. She did speak with the older boys that agreed to keep an eye out on Sean during lunch break and have them check in on him several times throughout the day. She also said she would speak with the ring leader again, and let him know that it is not okay to ostracize someone, or to only chase after 1 kid while playing tag, or knock him out every time as soon as he gets in during a 4 square game. 

I honestly don't know if I am making things better or worse. When we ask Sean how school was, he doesn't answer right away. He seems to be skirting the question and giving half answers.

There are 3 more weeks of class. We are going to finish the year, and start next year. Hopefully over the summer, things will resolve. We are planning on having the kids that Sean was friends with before this other boy decided to convince them to ignore Sean over several times during the Summer.(Apparently  when the ring leader is not around, they play fine with Sean.)

I've been thinking a lot of homeschooling both boys, or moving to the public schools. Both have positives and negatives. Both boys need the social interaction that attending a school provides. Academically, both are thriving in the small classes. Aidan has been extremely difficult and combative with us, so homeschooling him could be a nightmare and do more harm than good at this point.... Sean says he wants to continue at the school he is in.

Thursday, May 2, 2013


There always seems to be a lot of talk about bullying. How to talk to your kids, how to recognize the signs, cyber bullies, etc... 


What do you really do when your child tells you he is being bullied?

Your heart breaks. Of course, you hope for a peaceful resolution. You talk to him about it, trying to find out as many details as you can. Has it gotten physical? If so, how? Have you told a teacher/ principal? Did you tell the punk ass  other kid to stop? What did he do?

Then you talk to the teacher. Hopefully it gets nipped in the bud. 

But if it doesn't? If there is a momentary quiet, and just when you think, everything will be ok, you find out it is starting again?

Obviously, this is something that we are dealing with. Starting the end of last year, another boy in Sean's class (of 13) began socially isolating him. Telling Sean he can't play with him, starting a club and inviting all the other boys to join, but telling Sean he can't. Crap like that.

Fast forward to 3rd grade. It gets progressively worse. to the point that Sean's best friends won't play with him because this other boy doesn't want to play. Sean begins to think he is stupid and unlikable. He tells me this other boy shoved him at the play ground. He goes into the after care room at recess to play with his little brother since no one else will play with him.

Now, Ry and I have Sean in Kung Fu. We want him to be able to defend himself, to regain that self confidence he has lost since this has started. I spoke with his teacher (she doesn't have recess duty, and was unaware of most of the isolation and of the shove). 

That day, she gets the principal to come into the class and discuss bullying. They have a long discussion, and some of the older kids are invited in, 1 that was bullied and 1 that was the bully. Sean gets the chance to confront this other boy, and his former best friends, about how he feels.

And things are better.

Until they aren't.

The isolation is beginning again. A new boy starts school, and is "recruited" to the other boy's group. 

What do you do then? I mean, I know I need to let the teacher and principal know it is starting again.

But how do I heal the emotional distress of such a gentle soul?

This is a boy that hurts when he steps on a bug. That won't let me kill a spider in the house, instead, catches it in a jar and takes it outside.

How can I convince him he is smart, worth loving, worth having as a friend?

Part of why we chose a small private school for our children is the sense of community and family the school promotes. But if my son is being ostracized, and especially if it continues, am I doing him a disservice? I don't want to put him in a new school. He says he likes going to the school he is at. 

Monday, April 15, 2013

Post Migraine Cravings/Dreams

I had a migraine yesterday. At work. I was close to being finished with my patient list, and luckily I have an awesome co-worker, Kim, who said she would see my last patient. I took a Zomig as soon as I was able to get into my purse, and did my treatment notes and billing, like a good little PTA. Ryan came and picked me up, and his brother came with him to drive my car home. (Do I not have just the BEST family?)  When I got home, I promptly went to bed and slept. Upon waking, I felt somewhat better, still not my normal self, and kinda in a drug induced state. I popped another Zomig to help with the pain.

When I woke up this morning, I still was pretty lethargic, with some neck and jaw pain (mot typical with my migraines, but is listed as a common side effect of Zomig). Went to work and got through my day.

Since I woke up from my nap yesterday afternoon, I have been craving protein, salt and spicy food.  Protein kinda makes since to me, it's what the body uses to heal itself. Spicy, well, let's just say I always crave spicy food. The hotter the better... But Salt??? I never crave salt. I mean I rarely (if ever) add salt while cooking. Ryan knows if I'm cooking, he should probably bring the salt shaker to the table... Perhaps I'm craving it due to an electrolyte imbalance? Sodium, after all, helps with nerve impulse conduction.

Right now, I am sitting with a quesadilla filled with pepper jack cheese, turkey and  the salt shaker, sprinkling salt on every bite....

Does anyone else have cravings following a migraine, or am I just weird?

And since yesterday was my first time taking Zomig, I'm curious about weird dreams? Has anyone had weird, vivid dreams after taking it, or any other triptan family medicine? I had a dream that I was at work, with my kick ass co workers, but instead of being at work, we were at school. We were late to class. I looked at the class schedule and said "Don't worry. It's just Drama. If we dance down the hall and into class, the teacher will just think we were trying to make a dramatic entrance." So we all went dancing, leaping twirling down the hall and into a room...

And yes, we were all wearing tutus. Even the men I work with.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

(Mostly) Finished Bathroom

My last post was all about what I wanted my bathroom to look like. See it here. Well, it's pretty close to my two week deadline, and we are just about there. Woo Hoo! I have an almost normal bedroom and bathroom back. Some before pictures in all their messy glory:

As you can see, we had the boring standard white walls, white cabinets, and builder's style mirror. We also had the yucky, tacky brass vanity lights, old yellow heat lamp cover. Disgusting, really.

Now here are some after pictures:


So, as you can see, we switched out the light switch and outlets and covers, changed out the light fixture, painted the heat lamp cover, replaced the shower curtain and rod, painted and added some art work.

We are still working on framing the mirror and deciding on some window treatment. We will also probably hang the pictures on the vanity top.

In the next year, we are planning on replacing the toilet, bath/shower combo, and tile the floor.

I also have some pictures of me looking smoking hot in my stripping (paint, you dirty minded people) and painting garb. You will probably see some when I write about how we done it.

Hope this inspires someone to update their boring old white bathroom!

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Bathroom update

A couple of weeks ago, Ry and I decided it was time to update our bathroom. It was drab. It was dreary. It was downright dreadful. White walls, white cabinets, builder grade mirror, tacky brass vanity lighting, ugly overhead lighting. So, what did I do? I got on Pinterest, just like all the other DIYers out there.

I had an idea of the feel I wanted. Vintage Hollywood glamour mixed with more modern colors. This is what I fell in love with: http://pinterest.com/pin/202732420697973710/

Now, being a realistic (on occasion) woman, I knew there was no way we could afford this, nor do we have a large enough bathroom for it either. It's just not functional for this family of four.

But... I love it. The gray and plum with silver accents. It has the elegance that I want in my bathroom. I want a place to escape from mommyhood, where I can soak in a bubble bath with the lights on low for hours at a time (ok, maybe just 1 hour...).

So here's our plan. We are keeping the sink, faucet, and cabinets. The cabinets, trim, and any accent wood will be painted a dark gray, Behr's pencil point. The walls will be a lighter gray, Behr's dark pewter. We bought them in a matte finish, even though everyone reccomends semi gloss or gloss. I have plans of doing a gloss stencil in the dark pewter on the walls. Similar to this idea:

We will replace the vanity lighting to a fixture with a satin nickel finish to match the faucet and other hardware we have. We are going to frame our mirror. I have purchased a plum shower curtain to bring in the purple. Hopefully next year we will replace the toilet, tub and floor. 

We have already started the process, and our bedroom looks like a war zone. Hopefully we can have this finished in another 2 weeks. Wish us luck!

Sunday, March 10, 2013


It's been awhile... again. So much has been going on that it has been difficult to find time to think, let alone write down my thoughts.  So, here are some updates:

  •  Sean is taking Kung Fu lessons, and is having a blast.He has a white belt and is working on his first stripe. Some times it is stressful for me. I have to work on the days he has his classes, and I am not always finished when I need to be, so I have to do my billing and documenting at home on those days. He (And Ry and Aidan) all had the flu for a week in February. So not fun. So of course he missed that week of lessons. Then the poor kiddo got an ear and sinus infection and missed another week... 
  • Aidan..... I think he will get his own post soon. We are having some challenging behavior issues with that boy. Thank you Mom for cursing me with the "One day you will have a kid just like you" curse.  If I was anything like Aidan has been, I am surprised I lived to tell this tale.
  • Work: We have some staffing changes the past few months, and I really miss my work twin Kristen. I hope she is having fun in Texas. We are going through a remodel at work where our Rehab gym moved. Trying to get the new gym organized was/is interesting, to say the least. We all have different thoughts and ideas on how it should be organized. Luckily we work well together...
  • Home: I have spring fever. I have been cleaning, organizing and planning. I'm trying to figure out how to do an edible front yard that is functional, easy to get to, and attractive. No to mention, low cost. I am also planning a redo of our master bath. This will probably take a while to complete, as we are on a budget for this and want to replace the bathtub, toilet and tile the floor. So we are doing this in pieces. Right now, it mostly cosmetic changes: New paint, new shower curtain, and (hopefully soon) new light fixture. We are going to keep the existing sink and cabinet, but change the cabinet color. Look for a complete post, including my (p)inspiration for our new bathroom look. Coming soon.
So, now that life is kind of calming down, here is what you can look forward to from me while I travel through life:
  • Master bath redo
  • Aidan's behavior 
  • Garden updates
  • Health updates
  • My general B.S. about whatever is on my mind.

Thanks for putting up with me!