Wednesday, February 8, 2012

List Maker List Maker make me a list

I am a list maker. I have note books full of lists. I enjoy the sense of accomplishment that comes with scratching out an entry. I have a grocery list, a things to do, a honey-do, fun summer time stuff, house projects, craft projects, goals.... I do not feel fulfilled if I have not made at least one list a day.

I know it is a bit obsessive, compulsive. I can't help it. I have tried to stop writing lists. The longest I have lasted is 2 weeks. 

Sometimes, I make a list of things I really need to do, but don't want to do. Making doctors appointments, cleaning the toilets, scooping poop. Those sort of things go there. Sometimes, my lists are of things I do routinely. Balancing the checkbook, paying bills, grocery shopping. Those are for the days I really want to feel like I got something accomplished!

I need to feel somewhat organized. My life in general right now is in complete disarray. (No, we are not having problems...) It helps me prioritize, manage the time I do have away from work better.  I don't think list making is a bad thing. I can even make lists on my phone, there's an app for that! (Several actually.) I have not found a good free one that does everything I want. Maybe I should learn how to develop one.... hmm... Think of the list I would make for learning that!

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